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Congratulations! You’ve survived the packing and moving process and you’re now in your new home! The move is over; and the fun can begin! Unpacking can be the longest part of the process—but it can also be the most fun. Unpacking gives you the chance to get your new home organized and decorated the way you want. As you begin to unpack the sea of boxes that awaits you, you’ll need to have a plan to help you get through it.

Here is the key to unpacking – unpack ONE room at a time! Looking at all the boxes that surround you can be a daunting task, but if you concentrate on one room at a time, it can lessen the burden of that task. Here’s a list of the rooms that should get unpacked and set up first.

1. Bathroom – this room is a necessity in any home, so unpacking it tops the list. Unpack the toiletries, shower curtain, toilet paper and soap. You’ll be glad you did when you need to get in there to take a much needed shower after a full day of unpacking!

2. Kitchen – the bathroom may be number one but this room comes in at a close second. You will spend a lot of energy unpacking and decorating your new home and you’ll need this room to refuel with food, drinks and snacks.

3. Living Room/Bedroom – these rooms can be unpacked at your own pace, however, enlist help for unpacking these rooms since there are usually electronics to hook up and heavy items to hang up or put together that may require some assistance.

4. Garage – this room may not seem to be as important to start with initially, but getting it organized by hanging up shelves or hooks will allow you to have immediate storage for items like tools, yard supplies, plastic storage bins, and others.

Don’t stress about getting everything done in one day… this is an exciting time and you’ll want to enjoy every minute of it. Give yourself time to get your new home to look just the way you want it! Do you have any unpacking tips you can share? Tell us on our Facebook page!

Terry Neff is the owner of UNITS Mobile Storage of Eastern PA. He is an expert on relocation and the ins and out of this tough life change. To contact Terry, call 610-997-8648 or visit

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